964 research outputs found

    Parental involvement in America 1950-1998

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    Особенности инженерных изысканий на нефтезагрязненных территориях на примере г. Томска

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    В диссертации рассмотрены особенности проведения инженерных изысканий на нефтезагрязненных территориях на примере г. Томска. Целью работы является рассмотрение особенностей инженерных изысканий для разработки проекта строительства АЗС в проектируемом районе «Новый город» на территории бывшего промышленного объекта, где содержание нефтепродуктов в грунтах и подземных водах превышает фоновые значения. В работе проведен анализ большого числа литературных источников, нормативных документов по теме исследований, обобщены данные о содержании нефтепродуктов в грунтах и подземных водах в пределах АЗК г. Томска. В результате анализа предложен новый подход к выбору площадки АЗС с учетом оценки степени защищенности подземных вод от воздействия нефтепродуктов, составлен проект инженерно-геологических изысканий для проектирования АЗС микрорайоне «Новый город». Тщательно проработан вопрос лабораторного определения нефтепродуктов в грунтах и подземных водах и предложен наиболее оптимальный вариант. Полученные результаты и выводы рекомендуется использовать в практике инженерных изысканий.The thesis describes the features of engineering surveys on contaminated territories on the example of Tomsk. The aim of this work is the consideration of the characteristics of engineering survey for development of gas station construction project in the planned area of "New town" in the territory of the former industrial site, where the content of oil products in soils and groundwater exceed background values. In the work the analysis of a large number of literary sources and normative documents on the topic of the research, summarizes data on the content of oil products in soils and groundwater within the filling station in Tomsk. The analysis suggests a new approach to the siting of filling stations based on an assessment of the degree of protection of groundwater from exposure to petroleum products, drafted engineering-geological surveys for design of the filling station neighborhood "New city". Carefully crafted question for laboratory determination of petroleum products in soils and groundwater, and suggested the best option. The obtained results and conclusions it is recommended to use in the practice of engineering surveys

    IrF4: From Tetrahedral Compass Model to Topological Semimetal

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    The intersection of topology, symmetry, and magnetism yields a rich structure of possible phases. In this work, we study theoretically the consequences of magnetism on IrF4, which was recently identified as a possible candidate topological nodal chain semimetal in the absence of magnetic order. We show that the spin-orbital nature of the Ir moments gives rise to strongly anisotropic magnetic couplings resembling a tetrahedral compass model on a diamond lattice. The predicted magnetic ground state preserves key symmetries protecting the nodal lines, such that they persist into the ordered phase at the mean-field level. The consequences for other symmetry reductions are also discussed

    Präoperative Nüchternzeiten: Sicht der Patienten

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Mit dem Ziel der subjektiven perioperativen Qualitätsverbesserung scheint es wünschenswert, die präoperativen Nüchternzeiten im Rahmen der als sicher geltenden Grenzen so kurz als möglich zu halten. Diese Maßnahmen sollten mit einer messbaren Verminderung von präoperativem Hunger und Durst einhergehen und v.a. in einer Verbesserung der präoperativen Befindlichkeit resultieren. Welchen Einfluss Durst und Hunger aus Patientensicht auf den präoperativen Komfort haben, ist jedoch weit gehend unbekannt. Ziel dieser Studie war es, das Ausmaß der Beeinträchtigung der Patienten durch eine traditionelle Nüchternheitsregelung abzuschätzen. Patienten und Methoden: Ein Kollektiv von 412Patienten der "American-Society-of-Anesthesiologists"- (ASA-)RisikoklassenI und II, das sich einem kleineren chirurgischen Eingriff unterzog, wurde mithilfe eines Fragebogens zum Ausmaß und Stellenwert von präoperativem Durst und Hunger befragt. Ergebnisse: Es hatten 33% der Patienten mäßigen oder starken Durst, 19% mäßigen bis starken Hunger. Von den Befragten möchten 47% vor der Operation noch trinken, 72% hätten gern noch ein leichtes Frühstück eingenommen. Die mittlere Nüchternzeit war 12,8±3,4h für Flüssigkeiten und 15,5±4,4h für Essen. Durst wurde von 3,3% und Hunger von 0,8% der Patienten als Hauptgrund für die Beeinträchtigung des präoperativen Wohlbefindens genannt. Das lange Warten (8,5%), Nervosität (6,5%) und Angst (4,8%) wurden am häufigsten genannt. Die Antworten waren unabhängig von der Zeitdauer der präoperativen Nüchternheit. Schlussfolgerung: Der Patientenkomfort ist durch eine traditionelle Nüchternheitsregelung beeinträchtigt, und Minimierung der präoperativen Nüchternzeiten wird von den Patienten gewünscht. Anstrengungen mit dem Ziel der Reduktion von präoperativer Angst und Nervosität bergen jedoch zusätzliches großes Potenzial für eine Steigerung der perioperativen Behandlungsqualität aus Sicht der Patiente

    A Requirement-centric Approach to Web Service Modeling, Discovery, and Selection

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    Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) has gained considerable popularity for implementing Service-Based Applications (SBAs) in a flexible\ud and effective manner. The basic idea of SOC is to understand users'\ud requirements for SBAs first, and then discover and select relevant\ud services (i.e., that fit closely functional requirements) and offer\ud a high Quality of Service (QoS). Understanding users’ requirements\ud is already achieved by existing requirement engineering approaches\ud (e.g., TROPOS, KAOS, and MAP) which model SBAs in a requirement-driven\ud manner. However, discovering and selecting relevant and high QoS\ud services are still challenging tasks that require time and effort\ud due to the increasing number of available Web services. In this paper,\ud we propose a requirement-centric approach which allows: (i) modeling\ud users’ requirements for SBAs with the MAP formalism and specifying\ud required services using an Intentional Service Model (ISM); (ii)\ud discovering services by querying the Web service search engine Service-Finder\ud and using keywords extracted from the specifications provided by\ud the ISM; and(iii) selecting automatically relevant and high QoS services\ud by applying Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). We validate our approach\ud by performing experiments on an e-books application. The experimental\ud results show that our approach allows the selection of relevant and\ud high QoS services with a high accuracy (the average precision is\ud 89.41%) and efficiency (the average recall is 95.43%)

    Practical Use of Formal Concept Analysis in Service-Oriented Computing

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    International audiencePervasive applications are encountered in a number of settings, including smart houses, intelligent buildings or connected plants. Service-Oriented Computing is today the technology of choice for implementing and exposing resources in such environments. The selection of appropriate services at the right moment in order to compose meaningful applications is however a real issue. In this paper, we propose a FCA-based solution to this problem.We have integrated FCA algorithms in our pervasive gateways and adapted them in order to allow efficient runtime selection of heterogeneous and dynamic services. This work has been applied to realistic use cases in the scope of a European project

    Formal concept analysis and structures underlying quantum logics

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    A Hilbert space HH induces a formal context, the Hilbert formal context H\overline H, whose associated concept lattice is isomorphic to the lattice of closed subspaces of HH. This set of closed subspaces, denoted C(H)\mathcal C(H), is important in the development of quantum logic and, as an algebraic structure, corresponds to a so-called ``propositional system'', that is, a complete, atomistic, orthomodular lattice which satisfies the covering law. In this paper, we continue with our study of the Chu construction by introducing the Chu correspondences between Hilbert contexts, and showing that the category of Propositional Systems, PropSys, is equivalent to the category of ChuCorsH\text{ChuCors}_{\mathcal H} of Chu correspondences between Hilbert contextsUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Effects of bovine colostrum on performance, survival, and immunoglobulin status of suckling piglets during the first days of life

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    Supplementation of bovine colostrum (BC) has shown to improve growth performance, intestinal development, and immune response in early-weaned pigs. Little is known about whether BC may have similar effects in neonatal piglets. In the present study, the effect of BC supplementation on mortality, growth performance, and blood parameters (plasma proteins and white blood count) of suckling piglets in the first 10 days of life was investigated under practical conditions with special emphasis on low birth weight piglets. In total, 258 newborn piglets from 30 multiparous sows in a commercial breeding unit were randomly assigned to two different treatment groups. Piglets received either 1 ml of BC orally on days 1-3 of life (group BC, n = 128) or 1 ml of saline (0.9%) (control (CON) group; n = 130). Body weight was measured on days 1, 4, and 10 of life. Blood was collected on days 1 and 4 from 60 piglets per group. No differences in mortality, body weight, and average daily weight gain were observed between treatment groups in days 1-10. However, compared to CON, particularly in low birth weight piglets the administration of BC supported (P < 0.01) their survival. Group BC exhibited lower plasma total protein (P = 0.03) and beta-globulin (P = 0.02) concentrations compared to group CON. In conclusion, BC improved low and normal birth weight piglets' survival during their first 10 days of life. Further research is needed to clarify whether the survival rate is related to earlier gut closure indicated by lower plasma protein levels, which might be beneficial due to a lower uptake of potential antigenic substances

    Effects of bovine colostrum on performance, survival, and immunoglobulin status of suckling piglets during the first days of life

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    Supplementation of bovine colostrum (BC) has shown to improve growth performance, intestinal development, and immune response in early-weaned pigs. Little is known about whether BC may have similar effects in neonatal piglets. In the present study, the effect of BC supplementation on mortality, growth performance, and blood parameters (plasma proteins and white blood count) of suckling piglets in the first 10 days of life was investigated under practical conditions with special emphasis on low birth weight piglets. In total, 258 newborn piglets from 30 multiparous sows in a commercial breeding unit were randomly assigned to two different treatment groups. Piglets received either 1 ml of BC orally on days 1-3 of life (group BC, n = 128) or 1 ml of saline (0.9%) (control (CON) group; n = 130). Body weight was measured on days 1, 4, and 10 of life. Blood was collected on days 1 and 4 from 60 piglets per group. No differences in mortality, body weight, and average daily weight gain were observed between treatment groups in days 1-10. However, compared to CON, particularly in low birth weight piglets the administration of BC supported (P < 0.01) their survival. Group BC exhibited lower plasma total protein (P = 0.03) and beta-globulin (P = 0.02) concentrations compared to group CON. In conclusion, BC improved low and normal birth weight piglets' survival during their first 10 days of life. Further research is needed to clarify whether the survival rate is related to earlier gut closure indicated by lower plasma protein levels, which might be beneficial due to a lower uptake of potential antigenic substances